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Mechanisms and General Services Directorate


This Directorate is responsible for the followings:


1- Proposing an investment plan for the entire machine in the company as well as preparing and periodical maintenance.


2- Proposing the annual plan from machines and setting up the periodical plan for supervising the company’s machine, aiming

     to maintain proper investment and supervising the periodical maintenance.


3- Setting –up the proper plan for distributing and moving the machine in the company according to the authorized

     plan and the administration instruction.


4- Receiving and preparing the machines by registering them by specialized authority and made the insurance, preparing

    the receipt report and delivery, then consuming and coordinating them properly.


5- Participating with the investigation committee for Cars accidents to specify the responsibility for rate fining.


6- Had to specify the moderate consuming need for cars from gas, oil, main spare-parts and tire according

     to the specified rules and doing the technical supervision through execution.


7- Do all the procedures for cars insurance against all damages including the driver’s and passenger insurance

     at the Syrian Organization for insurance and by sending notifications for all accidents and specifying the primer

     responsibility for driver or others people and the amount of the damage.


8- Work with the General Organization for Insurance to pay the amount of the cars damaged by accidents according to the insurance

    documents and informing the directorate of administrative and legal affair by accidents, which had to have law sue for them or

    lawsuits that are held on the drivers, or the company in light of the information transmitted to this Directorate.


9- Organizing file for each incident involving the police report and set all the documents and books related to it, and the

     relevant machinewith the final result, which put an end to the lawsuit filed in this regard, if any, in addition to

     committees and resolutions and accountability of fines issued thereon.


10- perform the necessary services relating to all hardware, machinery, computers , generating sets and related activities

      centers conversion devices, elevators , central heating and air conditioning located at the company and do all the necessary

      maintenance and repair operations and ensure worker safety and security.


11- Insurance Services and maintenance facilities, the rent houses for the company and organize maintenance contracts

      Necessary coordination with the Administrative Directorate.


12- This is the directorate responsible for all things mechanical, electrical and water sources and secured these sources.